FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Dave Anderson Flying Monkey Software 8424 Todd Creek Cr. West Chester, OH 45069 513-865-6800 x6087 Day 513-779-6489 Evening FLYING MONKEY SOFTWARE ANNOUNCES NEW SHAREWARE: A STANDARDIZED DEFAULTS MECHANISM WEST CHESTER, Ohio, September 30, 1994 -- Flying Monkey Software announces the beginning of it Shareware Department. The first offering is a standardized defaults mechanism for NEXTSTEP, which features an extensible framework for defaults database access and manipulation. Three objects, FmsDefaultController, FmsPointerPair, and FmsStringPair make up the shareware, and along with a couple "helping" classes implement a very minimal control panel for a racing simulator called RaceDay. The pseudo-app is Nothing Fancy, but it does demonstrate the defaults database hiding and clean access technique. There are many possibilities for variations on this theme. We're doing this one as shareware because we want to see how that goes, and, well, because something like this could make a lot of jobs easier, and give everybody a break... You see, Back a while ago, a small set of rebel monkeys in Monkeychusettes, led by their beloved Richard Stallmonkey, started writing free gncode. They believed that writing gncode was something that you'd just do, and if you gndid stuff gnothers gnliked, they'd just give you gnmoney. Gnwell, gnwe flying monkeys gnsometimes gnfeel a gnsort of gnattraction to gnyoung Richard's gnideas and gnhave gndecided gnto gnshare gnsome gnsoftware gnwith gneverybody... So best of all it's free! If you find use for it in your own stuff, or you use a compiled form in your products, we ask that you make a small charitable donation to the Flying Monkey Shareware Fund. If you try to sell the source to someone else for money, though, bad things may happen to you - you formally do not have permission to do that. If you modify it and want to redistributed the source, you have to give your changes away for free (or as shareware asking for a small donation. Copyleft and all, you know.) To get at the Shareware, simply ftp it. It's on the stepwise ftp server at... or you can get it, and other Flying Monkey stuff, through that wild and wooly world wide web... just click here If you don't have www access yet, we can send you an email copy of the Flying Monkey Software Catalog directly, in rtf or postscript. (Rtf is default, otherwise you'll get postscript. Ask for what you want.) Flying Monkey Software provides object, application, graphic design, and shareware services to the NEXTSTEP community. The monkeys have been flying software for more than twenty years, and would like to be the monkeys you turn to with your flying needs. Our credo is satisfaction guaranteed: all Flying Monkey products will work - or we'll fix them for free. We'll also extend them for requesting customers on a contractual basis. Fly the monkey skies! NEXTSTEP is a registered trademark of NeXT Computer, Inc. Postscipt is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems, Inc. FmsDefaultController, FmsPointerPair, and FmsStringPair are public shareware classes from Flying Monkey Software, code rights reserved. "Stallmonkey Lives!" -- Dave Anderson Mead Data Central B5F2 9555 Springboro Pk Miamisburg OH 45342 513-865-6800 x6087